Empire by Niall Ferguson – I am aware of the
criticism surrounding Ferguson and his interpretation of British imperial
history. Empire may be subject to similar criticism. The general conclusion,
that being that the British Empire has helped sow the seed of liberal democracy
around the globe, is not without some worthy discussion. But the book seems to
hide from other, harsher criticisms of empire by accepting the history of the
British Empire is murky and grey. This leaves something missing from the
critical narrative.
if Latin America Ruled the World?
by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera – This is a hard book to read. At times it is hard
because it is abstract, almost philosophical. At times (from my perspective),
it is hard because it is about a distinctly different culture and history. But
there are valuable insights to be gleamed from this book. The arguments that
South American culture is unjustly viewed in comparison to Western culture,
creating ignorant ideas of sophistication or enlightenment are very
Sharing, Stealing by
Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang – This is not a bad book, but it is one I
found disappointing. To be sure, the subject matter – the changing nature of
consumer entertainment and technology – is interesting and important, but I
feel like this book brings nothing new to the table. This is especially
egregious given this book was published in 2016. As supplementary literature,
this book is fine.
Theory of the Leisure Class
by Thorstein Veblen – Veblen’s classic book feels at time like an odd addition
to the economics discipline, and by present standards would certainly be
considered heterodox. At times, the greater point of this book feels lost
somewhere between obvious and uninteresting observations of human behaviour;
but this would be too harsh a conclusion, and indeed an underdeveloped one.
Veblen’s theory of power, the construction of hierarchy (patriarchal, feudal,
class-based etc.) and the role of consumerism within those systems is one I
keep coming back to. Everyone should read some Veblen.
People by Douglas Smith
– It is easy to lose sympathy with the Tsarist nobility when one hears of the
Russian system of serfdom that was once practiced. Likewise, I don’t suppose
the Soviet propaganda machine following the revolution has helped to cast the
nobility in a great light. Smith’s book on the lives of Russian nobles
following the Russian revolution is, on the one hand, a fascinating perspective
to explore. On the other, it is a beautiful and tragic character study of how
people – in body and in spirit – can be made to disappear. Certainly, an
interesting read.
Capital by Thomas Picketty – I have counted at
least five copies of this book in my economics department. For specialists, or
those with specialist knowledge, I feel Picketty’s magnum opus has a lot to
offer. For those with a more casual interest, this book will probably be too
heavy, and provide too much detail to the narrative of growing inequality
throughout the world.
Economists Disagree by David
Prychitko – Anyone interested in economics should read this book. From Austrian
economics to radical political economy, Why
Economists Disagree is expansive in its scope without showing favouritism
to one particular school of thought. For those interesting in pluralist
thinking, this book is thus a great guide.
Europe Since 1945: A Short Political History by Derek Urwin – I read this book because I like history
generally, but as an overview to the foundation of the European Union I think
this book is very useful. The dynamics of de Gaulle, Adenauer and successive
British prime ministers confuses my, and I think many others’, notions of the
European Union as a project. Whilst I suspect there are better books, both on
the EU and on modern Europe, as a quick and concise read I think this is a
worthwhile book.
Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein – Nudge is a book I had to read for my
Masters dissertation, and the central concept behind this book features
prominently in my PhD. Compared to the academic literature which the book draws
on, I found its content simplified and lacking. This is certainly unjustified,
as it is written for the general reader. That does not mean I cannot also voice
my disdain for the chatty, matey narrative the authors have adopted.
Nevertheless, this is not a bad book, and it contains some interesting
insights. The problem with much of the book, I believe, is it does little that
other books on behavioural economics – for example Dan Ariely’s Predictably Irrational – have not
already done.
Economics by George
Akerlof and Rachel Kranton – Much like above, the quality of these authors
should not be in doubt. This, however, does not exempt this book from
criticism. Identity Economics
attempts to carve out a new niche in the economics discipline, much like behavioural
economics has done. However, upon reading, I remain to be convinced of this new
sub-discipline. The underlying principle of social strata influencing economics
decisions should be applauded as a subject of enquiry for it is undeniably
important, but it is not yet clear to me how identity economics distinguishes itself
from being a specialised subset of behavioural economics.
by Contract by Oren
Bar-Gill – Another book I read for my academic work, this book is particularly
specialised and is not one I would recommend to people outside of my immediate
field. For my purposes, however, I think this is a great contribution to the
political economy of behavioural economics.
Political Economy by
Thomas Hodgskin – I feel many of the insights of this book were lost on me. To
be sure, it was an interesting read, and having read some of Hodgskin’s
previous work there is no doubting the intellectual value of his ideas. This is
a book I may return to one day.
Theory in Action by
Sherzod Abdukadirov – Again, I read this book for my academic work. An
interesting read if you’re into that sort of thing.
Deus by Yuval Noah
Harari – For a while, this book was the darling child of those people that like
to post pictures of books they have/are/are-planning-to read on their Instagram
feed. That’s just an observation, not a criticism. Having not read Harari’s
previous book Sapiens, I went into
this book intrigued by the premise. My thoughts at the end were mixed. On the
one hand, this is a good book with a compelling narrative and some interesting
discussions. On the other, I am left with a feeling of false grandiosity. For
example, one of Harari’s core ideas is that humanism and liberalism are dying
ideas, and we are entering into a new age of dataism. Algorithms control
everything, including us, and free choice is illusory and mythical. Maybe all
these things are true, but if false, how might we ever argue so? The person who
does rile against this narrative may easily be branded as naïve, and I am left
with this feeling when reading Harari. A compelling book, and a challenging
book, I would recommend this book as an intellectual exercise is nothing else.
Liberty by John Stuart
Mill – Mill is one of those authors whom I feel was a creature of his time but,
if you are willing to give him the time, may be the source of value ideas. On Liberty is not the libertarian
manifesto I expected before reading it; the author spends a great deal of time
considering the value of opinion and the use of opinionated debate, a
discussion I feel has a lot of worthwhile applications to today’s world. The
harm principle emergences as obvious, and is notably flawed, but should be
recognised as an important benchmark from which to proceed. Personally, I find
Mill’s observation that human liberty is often at the expense of others’
liberty a most compelling observation: “All
that makes existence valuable to anyone depends on the enforcement of
restraints on the actions of others.”
I was From by Joan
Didion – After hearing the film Ladybird
was based upon (or perhaps it is better to say inspired by) Didion’s memoir Where I was From, I decided to pick up a
copy. Initially, I found this book lacking something. With Didion being a much-acclaimed
writer, I expected to find the narrative more compelling and a sense of
structure – I expected a typical memoir. It was only towards the end of the
book I realised what Where I was From
is, and what Didion’s goal is with this book. If the book has a central idea,
it is that California is a land of false tradition, where the way things are
now is the way things have always been, even though that is clearly not the
case as landscapes, workplaces and politics change. In tying this idea loosely
to that of her family, Didion draws a subtle parallel. This book, from my
perspective, is hard to describe, but is more complex than an initial read
would suggest.
Economic Consequences of Peace
by John Maynard Keynes – This is a brilliant if niche book. Keynes’ description
of the 1919 treaty of Versailles negotiations is insightful and at times rather
humorous. The tragedy of his prescience and the Allies’ failure to listen,
however, returns today’s reader to the importance of this book. The Economic Consequences of Peace is,
in my opinion, not a book that should be read as a novelty or even as an
economic case study, but as a rare learning aid in this field.
on Nationalism by
George Orwell – This book is really an essay, and one with a rather simply
theme of moderation. Much can be learnt from reading Notes on Nationalism, and in doing so I feel all readers should be
self-reflective. Today, nationalism seems to be a collage of swastikas, football
hooliganism and Donald Trump; to be sure, these things are nationalistic, but
Orwell restates the importance of thinking not about what nationalism looks
like, but rather what it is, that being aggressive, uncompromising commitment
to an idea.
Defence by Plato – Whilst
I enjoyed this book, and I enjoyed the way it was written, I wasn’t blown away
by its content. To be sure, as a ‘story,’ the persecution of Socrates offers a
lot of interesting things to think about, though I would be lying if I said I
found it anything more than a quick read. Again, this is a book I may revisit.
Communist Manifesto by
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – Marx is sometimes described as the most
influential person never read. The
Communist Manifesto is for many people their introduction to Marxism, but
it’s certainly not the full picture, and to that end I found this book lacking
a level of detail I desired. That, to an extent, is by design. On the one hand,
the Communist Manifesto was
originally a pamphlet and a manifesto; on the other, Marx would subsequently
write 5 volumes of Capital. My
introduction to radical political economy came in reading Hodgskin’s Labour Defended Against the Claims of
Capital, which offered a more succinct and conceptually interesting
discussion of the problem of surplus value, but I feel that the Communist Manifesto is a text which
would, on multiple re-readings, reveal something new each time.
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes – There’s a
reason why this book is regarded as a classic by economists, and it is a
brilliant, if often difficult book. There is little I feel I can say about this
book which would add value; I will say, however, that amongst Keynes’ writing the Economic Consequences of Peace is my
Transformations by Mark
Blyth – This is a book I have had for a while but each time I tried to read it
I felt I was not giving it enough time to truly understand the central thesis.
Blyth is an endlessly digestible economist, and his written work is always
insightful, if at times specific to the point of quandary. This is not a book I
would read again without a specific academic reason to do so; likewise, I would
not recommend it unless it served an academic purpose.
Net Delusion by Evgeny
Morozov – I picked up this book after reading a Morozov article in the Guardian
about data security. I was impressed by the quality of research in the article
and hoped for more of the same in the book. I will not criticise the research, but
I found this book difficult and at times rather boring. Whilst Morozov is
clearly correct in his assessment that the internet may as much be a tool for
oppression and manipulation as it could be for liberation, in my opinion this
book frequently reverts to a told-you-so narrative where the author picks a
famous (often American) politician, cites a speech and presents contrary
real-world results. This is fine to do, but the frequency this is done
throughout the book drained on me as a reader, to the point where I wonder if
this book is less about data and the internet and more about international
relations. There is clearly value in this book, but I would not recommend it.
Strangest Man by Graham
Farmelo – I have never read a biography before, but Farmelo’s biography of Paul
Dirac was thoroughly entertaining. It is at times funny, at times very sad and
sometimes rather educational. More than anything, this book is a very accomplished
attempt to explore the life of a man who, on reflection, clearly was a rather
peculiar person. Such peculiarities, however, are often side-lined for a
discussion of Dirac’s many achievements. It does not diminish his character one
way or another, and the whole book benefits from this approach.
World Economy Since the Wars
by John Kenneth Galbraith – I had not read any Galbraith until reading this
book, and to be honest I’m not quite sure what this book was designed to
achieve. Perversely, however, I very much enjoyed this book. Rather than
starting with a central premise, the World
Economy Since the Wars feels more like an in-conversation-with book where
Galbraith recounts several decades of wisdom. The book, therefore, languishes
in an odd place of not being a book to read for pleasure, nor for academic
merit, but yet still one worth reading.
End of Utopia by
Russell Jacoby – Jacoby is clearly a very intelligent writer, and his argument
that the abandonment of utopian ideas in favour of practical political
positioning is detrimental seems compelling, particularly in our present
political climate. What this book does badly, in my opinion, is it discusses
this idea with all the intellectual meandering of someone in Jacoby’s position.
I liked this book, and many people that will want to read this book will like
it; that doesn’t mean it’s a book with universal appeal. Nor, I suspect, does
it want to be.
Finance and Wealth Management
by Michael Pompian – This is essentially a textbook, or, I suppose, a handy
reference guide for applied behavioural economics. Pompian makes a good effort
to write an accessible and interesting book, which is why I believe as assigned
reading for an introductory behavioural finance class this book would be
fantastic. For more serious research however, this book is insufficient.
Realism by Mark Fisher –
Fisher is a writer whom I want to read more of in 2019, partly because I am a
sucker for (somewhat meaningless) cultural criticism, and partly because Fisher
is a good writer. Capitalist Realism provides
very little in terms of economic debate, but it acknowledges a phenomenon that
is increasingly being cited in the capitalism/anti-capitalism debate, that
there is no alternative (TINA). Intellectually, this is an empty idea, and
Fisher recognises this; more than that, he explains how capitalism in its ethos
erodes other alternatives, permeating into the arts and ethics. Whether or not
capitalism should be ended or simply reformed, Fisher makes a compelling argument
for the existence of the Capitalist
Realism phenomenon.
History of the World in Seven Cheap Things by Raj Patel and Jason Moore – Something I have tried to
do this year is engage more in ecological economics literature, and Patel and
Moore’s book is a very good contribution to this literature. Whilst not
proposing any particularly revolutionary ideas, the book is a good holistic look
at the global environmental challenges and the productive (lamentably
capitalist) systems behind them. A good read.
Long Twentieth Century
by Giovanni Arrighi – This was a tough book for me. The book is intellectually
sound with some compelling ideas, but I feel this book is outside of my field
of interest to really resonate with me. I suspect one day I will return to it,
but right now I find myself with little to say about the Long Twentieth Century.
Next Revolution by
Murray Bookchin – Being a collection of separate essays, the Next Revolution can sometimes feel disjointed
and repetitive. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The
author writes with the knowledge and consideration of a man who has spent
several decades pondering the future of the anarchist movement, and whilst at
times there is a sense that Bookchin presumes his readers have knowledge of his
previous work, many of the ideas around community organisation, notions of the
state and the role of workers are intriguing and optimistic ideas.
Atlantic Ocean by
Andrew O’Hagan – One of my favourite books in recent years has been David
Foster Wallace’s A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll
Never Do Again. O’Hagan’s own collection of essays do not disappoint,
though I would not say they compare to the standard of DFW. The premise of the Atlantic Ocean is a study of Britain and
America and the relationship between them; whilst an interesting concept, in my
opinion, the collection doesn’t seem to fulfil this goal. America, for the most
part, feels absent, and when included the author comes across as clearly not
being from the States. Britain, on the other hand, dominates this book and is clearly
where O’Hagan feels more comfortable, and writes with much more authority. Of
course, not everyone will like this book, be it the style of writing or the
subject matter, but I was not disappointed.
Awakening by Alev Scott
– I have never quite understood what to make of Turkey, with histories such as
the Ottoman Empire, the Armenian genocide and the occupation of Cyprus being
the subject areas in which I have most often heard Turkey discussed. Scott’s Turkish Awakening does little to clarify
the notion of Turkey in the mind of a non-Turk, but, on the one hand, she acknowledges
this eclectic picture of the country and, on the other, challenges the idea
that any tangible notion exists at all. I enjoyed this book, and will try to
read more about Turkey in the future.
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